The story revolves around three sisters who form a fictional family called Kaki, a middle-class family from Kolkata. Four sisters were born to a Professor Kaki (Raveena Tandon), who is a kind-hearted and devoted family man. However, she gets exposed to a shocking news of the death of their father Professor Kaki at the age of 47. The four sisters - Sonali (Rohit Roy), Tara (Manisha Chatterjee), Debo (Shruti Singh) and Piyali (Apoorva Agnihotri) had lost their father. They continue to live with their uncle, Chuni, who is also the estranged husband of Professor Kaki. The sisters were brought up by their mother and witnessed the initial days of their father's demise. While Chuni dotes on his daughters, he does not have much regard for Sonali, the eldest and seemingly the most mature sister. The sisters, who barely have enough to live on, and as the eldest of the four, Sonali shoulder the responsibilities.
As they grow up, they seek refuge from the daily troubles and tragedy of their life, by immersing themselves in their studies. Sonali is a well-balanced student who maintains a balance between school and home. Tara is always engaged in impetuous activities which get her into trouble. Debo is socially naïve, but is well aware of the dangers surrounding them. Piyali, the youngest of the four, is rebellious, and yet, she is a perfectionist.
Sonali gets married to Anand, an interne, on the behest of her boyfriend. Anand never showed any interest in Sonali, and had an affair with Tara, the sister who was his classmate. During his convalescence, Tara's affair with Anand leads her into extramarital affairs. Anand always teased Tara to be like Sonali and wants her to keep her chin up. He always supports Sonali and Tara's endeavours. Sonali's marriage with Anand is called off by Tara, as she thinks Anand will not be able to support her financially. Anand becomes her lover, but she is unable to commit her life to him and leaves him to marry Rohan. Tara's affair with Anand turns out to be a challenge for Tara's parents, who are supporting Sonali and Tara's relationship.
Sonali and Tara's relationship is also a source of trouble for the family. Son
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